Happy New Year!

In true V fashion, I wrote this on New Year’s Day, and forgot to post it. So here you go; better late than never!

Another year has flown by; now two years that have been impacted by COVID, and whilst I hope this year will be better, I’m getting déjà vu of last New Year where we all said the same thing: “It can’t be as bad as 2020!”

But for this year, we’ll do what we can to make it better for ourselves. We’re going to try and get more content posted regularly here, not just the reviews but unboxings, articles and more - as a lot of that fell by the wayside due to the backlog of reviews we’ve had on the go at any one time. We’ve still got a little bit of a backlog that we’re working our way through, but it’s looking much healthier than it has for a long time, so I’m confident that we’ll be caught up with it all shortly.

So what can we expect from Collecting Asylum in 2022?

That’s the million dollar question, isn’t it? I’d love to have a proper schedule in place for you all, but I think I’ll wait on the backlog being fully cleared before I commit to any specifics. We’re gonna bring you regular unboxings - and we’d like you all to comment with requests of things you’d like to see unboxed next; we’re gonna also get Entries to the Asylum back up and running in a more focused way, rather than just here and there. At the end of each month I will do a post of all of the things we’ve received over that month, and that will allow you all to get some ideas for unboxings, reviews and more.

I’ve been backtracking across the old site to pull all the old posts of Entries over (as well as some reviews that I hadn’t yet transitioned onto the new site), but have condensed them into monthly rather than the way it was done previously, with new posts every day we received stuff - because that is a lot more work, and so much easier to forget and miss something, that way things should look fairly uniform once we’re back into the swing of things.

Where can we find all of the Collecting Asylum content?

Right here, silly. But, I will be posting across all of our Social Media accounts - and some of those might get exclusive content, so you might want to follow us on them all, just in case. Instagram is probably the one I use most, so it will get more photos of stuff before any actual content is produced for the items shown, kinda like little sneak peeks. Twitter is where you’ll find any ramblings, as well as the occasional hint for what we might be working on. TikTok, the most recent one for us, is where I plan to post little short-form unboxings, just condensing the actual Unboxing videos into short, sharp previews. And of course, YouTube, where you’ll be able to find our video reviews, unboxings and more.

Thank you all for being a part of Collecting Asylum over the years, whether you’re a new face or someone who has been checking the website for a while - you all encourage us to keep going. And this year, we want to continue growing Collecting Asylum, making it bigger and better. So please, keep coming back for more; and don’t forget to follow us on all of our Social Media accounts and subscribe to us on YouTube.

- V & Allan x


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